Hello,here is an update on some of the projects that I'm knee deep in. In May Westminster College, here in Salt Lake, is holding a summer course on the songs and stories of "Utah Phillips." The course will run four weeks with classes every Tuesday and Thursday. In conjunction with the class there will also be a concert in the Westminster auditorium. Performing will be some of the folks from our last tribute CD and a very special guest, Rosalie Sorrels. The concert will be on Tuesday, May 17th.
The other big project is the republication of the "Starlight on the Rails" song book. We are going to be adding about forty songs to the original book, so it's a big task. I'm struggling with how to get the songs into simple sheet music. I can convert the songs to MIDI but the editing programs that I've tried don't like finger picking, I mean, they convert it but not in away that most folks, including myself could figure out let alone play. Any suggestions?
Lastly I'm working on booking some CD release gigs for next winter. Thus far I've booked Caffe' Lena and the Peoples Choice Cafe in New York for December and San Luis Obispo with Kate MacLeod and Maybe Rosalie in February. Coast to Coast, thats me.
Lets see, what else, oh ya, after my normal winter off I go back to work next week.
Other highlights, Little sister Morrigan graduates from Boston College this may and little brother Brendan is going to play the Kate Wolf festival this June with his band Fast Rattler.
That's it for now, take care.