Sunday, March 16, 2008

Sunday March 16,

I just got off the phone with dad. He was getting ready to go to church.

A good portion of the concerts "Utah " has done over the years have taken place in Unitarian churches. As a child I remember going to the Unitarian Church in Salt Lake to see him perform.
Where ever the road has taken "Utah" Unitarian churches have been a big part of his life. Normally he changes the medication bag on his pump at 11:30 a.m. everyday, everyday except Sunday. On Sunday he changes the medication early so he get to church on time. The Community of the Mountains in Grass Valley has become very important in Utah's life and I know the connection he made with the congregation played an important role in his recovery and every week he looks forward to seeing the congregation and listening to Rev. Meghan speak.

Brendan, my little brother arrived in Nevada City last night and plans to spend a couple of weeks at dads house. He brought with him dads old Gibson guitar. Now days dad prefers the Gibson to his road weary Guild because the Gibson's wider neck makes it easier for him to play, so I imagine Brendan will spend a lot of time coaxing lost songs from dads long memory. Brendan also plans to undertake the enormous task of going through dads cardboard clad archive that's stored in a shed in his back yard, it's hard to believe , forty plus years of work and travel haphazardly stored in unmarked old moving boxes. It should be interesting to see what he dusts off.

Star Light on the Rails
I have started working with Ken Sanders her in Salt Lake on re publishing Utah's Song book Star light on the Rails. The book containing forty plus songs was originally published in 1973, about five years after dad fled Utah. Some of you might remember Ken from the old Cosmic Airplane days her in SLC. Ken now owns and operates a rare book store in Salt Lake City and has generously offered to underwrite the project. The book will basically remain the same with just a few updates. Profit from the book will of course go towards dads living expenses.

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